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Creatures of Lungo

Game Components

A general game consists of 30 general creature cards covering the following, this makes each goal most fair and achievable:





10 Earth ~ 10 Fire ~ 10 Water

6 Fish ~ 6 Element ~ 6 Jungle ~ 6 Insect ~ 6 Shell





3 Mutants

65 Game play cards

12 Goal cards

5 Win tokens

1 Dice

Creatures of Lungo
Creatures of Lungo
Creatures of Lungo - Rule Book


Creature Cards


These cards are used to achieve goals or used in battle. They can not be 'played' in a regular turn, only in battles.


They feature a name, a creature image, the weakness, the species and power number.









The background of the image will indicate the type of creature (fire, earth, or water).


Fire is weak to water, water is weak to earth, and earth is weak to fire. Therefore when played in a battle, weakness is looked at first, followed by the power number.

Creatures of Lungo
Creatures of Lungo

Mutant Cards


Like creature cards but with no weakness. These win by power points only.













Power Cards


Power cards can either be used as a booster for a creature to enhance its power number by 2 points or be saved and used towards your goal.

Creatures of Lungo - Mutant
Creatures of Lungo

Goal Cards


The goal cards are secret objectives each

player must achieve in order to be

the first player to reach for a token.






Action Cards


An action card will have an action that can be performed during your turn, or in some special circumstances, another player's turn.​​​





Mutant Genes



Use during a battle with a creature card to ignore the effects of weakness

(eg. a fire creature can win against a water creature if the fire creature is a mutant).


Single use card (discard after battle).







Battle Cards


Battle cards will be visible to all players when face down to indicate that battle mode is coming up.


All players participate in a battle, then game play continues around the circle from

the player who drew the battle card.


There are 3 types of battles:


Creature battles

Dice rolls

Insect swats





Poison, Toxic Slime and Antidotes


Poison and toxic slime cards are displayed face up on the table in front of the affected player.

If the affected player achieves their goal, they will not be able to grab a win token until the card has been removed. This can be done by playing an antidote or certain action cards (if a hand swap card is used, the poison or toxic slime goes with the hand).






Regular 6-Sided Dice


To be used in dice battles.








There is 1 less token than the number of players (eg. 4 tokens in a 5-player game). Tokens are set up in a circle surrounding the draw and discard piles. Each player should be in reach of 2 tokens.


Once a player has achieved their goal (provided they are not poisoned or caught in toxic slime), the player may grab a token. This player is the 'winner'. All other players will race to take a token until 1 player is left without. This player is the 'loser'.


Token set up example:
























Each player is dealt a goal card (these are to be kept secret from other players). The rest of the goal cards get put away.


All other cards are shuffled into a central draw deck and tokens are set up in a spaced out circle around this pile (as seen on previous page).


Three cards from the deck are dealt to each player.

If a player is dealt a battle card, it is shuffled back into the deck, and the player redraws until they have three cards in their hand.

Players may look at their own hand and goal card.


If a player draws toxic slimeit is placed on the table in front of them, and they redraw until

they have 3 cards in hand.

If they draw poisonthey keep this card in hand to use on their turn.


Choose a person to go first, based on whatever criteria you like.


To begin a players turn, they will draw one card from the deck and add it to their hand. They may now play/use as many action cards as they like, including the card that they just drew (they may also choose not to play any).


To play/use an action card, simply refer to

the prompt written on each card.


  • If a player runs out of cards, this does not mean they are out.


Action cards are added to the discard pile as they are used. Once the player has finished their turn, they will let the next player know it is their turn.


Game play continues in this way until a battle card is revealed. (Optional: it is encouraged to whisper chant 'Battle, battle, battle, battle' etc. until the battle conditions are known).


Battles are played automatically and can not be added into a player's hand. These count as your turn.


Written on each battle card will be the type of battle, along with specific rules of play and what the

winner will receive.

The player whose turn it is, will reveal the conditions of the battle and place the card in front of them for

the duration of the battle. All players must participate in a battle.




Creature Battles


'Normal play', 'Death Match', 'Cage Match',

'Power Swap' and 'Mutant Outbreak' are all examples of creature-based battles.


Each player will select one creature card which is placed on the table face down. If a player wishes to add a matching power card or a mutant gene, they should play both cards together.


  • Only power cards with the same symbol as your creature may be played. eg. Shell with shell, insect with insect etc.












If a player does not have any creature cards, they must use another card from their hand (such as an action or power card). This will count as a zero in power points. If you do have a creature card, then you must use it.


On the count of three, all cards are flipped over to reveal their face. Starting from the player who drew the battle, go in a circle to the left, battling each player individually. (This step excludes mutants as they have no weakness and will verse the last creature standing, through the use of power points). If the current player loses a battle, the winner takes over and continues around the circle. We look first at weakness. Fire is weak to water, water is weak to earth and earth is weak to fire. (Think of it like 'Scissors, Paper, Rock').

Weaknesses are shown on each creature card so no need to remember them.









Once weakness is accounted for, then power numbers come into play. If creatures are of the same type, they then rely on power points.

In this case the highest power points will win. In the event of a tie, the tying players will roll the dice. Highest number wins.










After the winner of the battle has collected their winnings, all other cards from the battle are discarded. Mutant genes cannot be claimed as winnings and must be discarded after battle.


If in a 'Cage Match' and there is no winner, (both players have used action cards or power cards) then the player who drew the battle card takes all winnings.




Dice Battles


All players set their hand aside and take turns to roll the dice, starting with the player whose turn it is.


Once a round of dice rolling is complete, (back to the first player) observe the rules of battle and follow the action as stated on the card.




Insect Swat


All players turn their hand face down and shuffle their cards. Starting with the player who drew the battle card, players take turns in placing their card face up in a central pile. Players may not look at their card until it is on the central pile to make it fair for all. Players will continue to put down cards until their hand is empty, then they will begin to draw cards from the draw pile, playing them face up on the central pile.


When an insect icon is seen all players may "swat" the insect by way of slapping their hand on the central pile. First player to swat the insect wins the pile and the game returns to normal play. Players may keep what they had left in their hand. Some players may return to normal play with no cards.


If a player swats a card that does not have an insect on it they must put their whole hand onto the central pile. If they have no hand and swat a non-insect card, that player will not be able to participate in the rest of the battle.
















To claim victory a player must achieve their goal and not be poisoned or caught in toxic slime. They are to take a token from the table. (This may be done at any time, you do not have to wait for your turn). They may do this discreetly if they choose. As soon as the remaining players notice a token is missing, it then becomes a race for all other players to take the remaining tokens, even if they have not completed their goal. The player who misses out is deemed the loser.





























Game design, card designs and creature illustrations by Zebulon Tilden.

Original version of Creatures of Lungo was invented 20 May 2024.


Creatures of Lungo is a trademark.

TM & © 2024 Zebulon Tilden. All rights reserved.

Creatures of Lungo - Creatures

​Wild Cards


These can be used towards your goal

in place of another card.




























Creatures of Lungo - Card Back
Creatures of Lungo - Wild
Creatures of Lungo - Mutant Gene
Creatures of Lungo - Battle
Creatures of Lungo - Poison
Creatures of Lungo
Creatures of Lungo - Token


Creatures of Lungo - Toxic Slime
Creatures of Lungo - Battle
Creatures of Lungo - Power
Creatures of Lungo
Creatures of Lungo
Creatures of Lungo


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